How did I become a fashion designer?

How did I become a fashion designer?

Hey! I am glad that you have reached my page and are interested in my work. The road to get here has been long and interesting, but I feel that the time is finally right and I am ready to share it all with those who are interested.
In this blog, from time to time you can get an idea of ​​what is currently maturing and what is exciting in the world of design. How did I become a fashion designer in the first place? Going back to the beginning of my journey, I have to mention that I have always loved doing things with my hands and have loved crafts since I was a little girl. Both of my grandmothers have been seamstresses, and is in my blood too.

The dream of becoming a designer, however, came a long way later. After graduating from high school, I was still pretty sure that I wanted to become an actor, but fate had other plans when I ended up at the theater school. However, my parents directed me to try other options, which at that moment did not feel so appealing, but I pulled myself together and went to study creative design, entrepreneurship and clothing design at the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences. Studying design for four years, I had a firm knowledge that I would become a fashion designer and create my own brand. Thought-done!

After graduation, the road took me to Australia, where I was constantly searching for that "something". The moment I felt I had found that long sought after gem was a wonderful hit. It came from an unexpected place, namely interior design, when I discovered awesome decorative sofa cushions. I remember thinking, wow, if they can be used to make awesome pillow covers, I can incorporate this technique into my creations, and here I am.

When I got back to Estonia, I started working on developing my own brand. I wrote a ready-made business plan, which was needed to apply for a grant to acquire a fleet of machines and start sewing. My whole big beautiful rose semolina plan was hit hard when I found out that my seamstress was, unfortunately, going to have to withdraw from our collaboration and I was suddenly on my own. I had always had the mentality that I wouldn't sew because I didn't consider it my strong point and I thought I would let the professionals do it. Since I realized that I don't want to involve a new foreign seamstress at the moment, I finally started experimenting myself. As of today, I am in front of you with my creations and I can proudly say that I can handle almost everything by myself, and I challenge myself more and more with new things and enjoy the process to the fullest.

With love
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